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HOW TO CHOOSE A VAPE LIQUID, beginner's guide

What will be discussed in this article :

  1. How to choose a vape liquid
  2. Composition of vape liquids
  3. PG/VG - vape liquid base
  4. Types of vape liquids
  5. Conclusions
  1. What is vaporizer fluid made of
  2. Propylene glycol
  3. Vegetable glycerin
  4. PG VG Ratio
  1. What is regular nicotine?
  2. Features of common fluid
  3. What is salt nicotine?
  4. Features of salt liquid
  5. What is the difference between salt nicotine and regular nicotine?
  6. What to choose?
  1. Berry flavors
  2. Fruit flavors
  3. Pastries and dessert
  4. Energy drinks and lemonade
  5. Tobacco flavors

HOW TO CHOOSE A VAPE LIQUID, beginner's guide

How to choose a vape liquid

The main question that comes up when talking about vape liquids is "which one to choose"? The assortment of flavors is large and varied, and in addition there are different brands and compositions in the stores. It is not surprising that newcomers have difficulty choosing. What is the best liquid for smoking? The answer is difficult to give, because you have to take into account a large number of variables. We will try to figure out what you should pay attention to.

Composition of vape liquids

The right choice of vape liquid is the key to success, especially for those who quit smoking. The basis of all compositions: propylene glycol and glycerin. In the classic ratio, their proportions are 50/50. Up to 10% of the composition can take distilled water and nicotine (not always), flavoring.

Recipe of the vape liquid defines the following characteristics:

  • Strength;
  • More flavor or more vapor;
  • Flavor combinations.

The combination of the main components is indicated by the VG/PG marking on the vape juice packaging. The main thing to remember: Vegetable Glycerine is responsible for vapor density, Propylene Glycol for flavor transmission and quenching nicotine cravings. High concentrations of PG cause a throat hit, a feeling of farting when inhaling. Its maximum content in classic formula, the liquid with these proportions is used in electronic cigarettes.


PG/VG - vape liquid base

If you delve deeper into the question "what kind of liquid on salt nicotine to buy?", you can consider the effects of each ingredient.

Plant-based glycerin:

  • Large aromatic cloud;
  • Softens the throat hit;
  • Has its own sweet taste;
  • Doesn't cause allergies;
  • Burns quicker to form;
  • Thickness.

Propylene glycol:

  • Low vapor density;
  • Conveys and reveals the flavor of the flavor;
  • Throat impact;
  • Forms fouling slowly.
  • Allergic in rare cases.

The base affects the thickness, hence different combinations are used in devices with different power. Weak heating element can not create a dense cloud of vapor, for cigarette draft liquid is liquid, and for hookah - thick.

The most common VG/PG ratios:

  • 50VG/50PG - couple a little, good strength, designed for quick smoke breaks in two or three puffs;
  • 65VG/35PG 60VG/40PG - options are universal for 90% of devices;
  • 70VG/30PG - under the hookah draft;
  • 75VG/25PG 80VG/20PG - more vapor, suitable for the most powerful devices.

The best VG/PG ratio is what suits the particular vaporizer. This is not a matter of taste, but quite a technical question. More than 60 VG in vapes with a small intake of liquid will start to burn the vape. If within a couple of days there was a taste of burning - the liquid is too thick. If you see that the vape leaks from the air ducts and spits - the VG concentration should be increased. Often the optimum VG/PG ratio is found in practice.

Types of vape liquids

Types of vape liquids are distinguished by their strength. For long-term vaping choose a low nicotine content of 0-3 mg/ml. 18-24 - quite strong, designed only for quick smoke breaks. The more powerful device, the more the body is saturated with each puff. Some flavorings and propylene glycol increase the trot, but many vapers enjoy this feeling.

The variety of flavors can make your eyes run wild. What vape liquid to choose with such a large supply? Beginners are recommended to stop at the monoflavors. Complex mixes giving several shades and a pronounced aftertaste are better left for later. Even when you are switching within one flavor, it is advisable to start with the lowest concentrations. Overtly unpleasant taste may give away fake, and usually the conclusion can be already made by the appearance of the package: no expiration date, barcode, etc. Poor-quality liquor can turn out not only tasteless but also dangerous to health.

Some manufacturers pride themselves on using only natural flavors. This is not always possible, as extracts from plants have their own chemical properties, and to use in vape liquids you must comply with a number of requirements:

  • Heat resistance;
  • Heating should not provoke chemical reactions;
  • In the process of steaming should not change the taste.


In the U.S., natural flavorings include flavorings that consist of 51% vegetable extracts. In the EC countries it is at least 50%. The natural color of liquids ranges from completely transparent to brown. This is due to the chemical composition of the fragrance oils. Many herbal ingredients are photosensitive and change color when exposed to ultraviolet light. Even premium liquids can darken. However, if on the counter met a bright green raspberry or orange mint, you can not doubt that the manufacturer has added to the liquid for vape artificial pigment, which then will be in the lungs, as well as increase fouling in the device.

The question of price worries many novice vapers. What is the difference between premium liquid and regular liquid? Examples where the difference is minimal are not that rare. Even an inexpensive offer can have a quality comparable to promoted American brands. With the exception of exclusive flavorings, all other ingredients have about the same cost. The most expensive is nicotine.

Nevertheless, it can take years of trial and error to create one balanced flavor, and it is impossible to reproduce a patented recipe. But if you trust a European or Chinese manufacturer of vape liquid - there is no need to overpay for pleasure. In addition, the premium segment, for the most part, is designed for gourmets who are looking for something unusual. For the first samples, it is better to choose formulations with a simpler formulation in the medium price range. Once you've established your preferences, you can move on to more expensive products.



The huge selection of offerings can be confusing at first. How to choose e-cigarette or vape liquid? First of all, pay attention to the capabilities of your device and choose the best VG/PG ratio.

It is better to underestimate the strength for the test than to overestimate it. The fact is that most manufacturers use salt nicotine. The substance quenches nicotine hunger faster, stays in blood longer, but irritates mucous membranes less, so an important signal "stop" from the body can easily be missed. The liquid for electronic cigarettes is stronger than for powerful devices with a hookah draft. For long-term vaping, you can be limited to a minimum concentration of 1.5 mg / ml. or choose zero.

Vawoo store works exclusively with proven manufacturers. We have selected a range that includes popular and exclusive offers. There is always a huge selection for every taste. Consultants will help you find the best options without much searching and trying. With us the question "how to choose e-cigarette vape liquid?" is no longer a problem.



For using a vape to bring positive emotions, you need not only to buy a quality device, but also a flavorful e-cigarette liquid. It is difficult for beginners to do this. For beginners, labels like 70 VG or 30 PG say nothing. And the only thing they can be guided by - the recommendations of manufacturers, reviews on the Internet and the preferred flavor of the liquid. In this case, the salt liquor for vape 70/30 has a very simple composition, which includes food glycerin and propylene glycol, as well as nicotine and flavor additives. However, it is the PG/VG ratio that is the key factor in the development of the liquid.



What is vaporizer fluid made of

Liquid is the main consumable material for the vaporizer. The composition of the substance does not contain complex ingredients and includes: glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), flavorings, and nicotine, if desired. Some manufacturers claim to use natural flavorings, which make such products slightly more expensive than other options. The flavor of the liquor can range from single-component to multifaceted, with different flavors on the inhale and exhale. However, the main components of the substance remain vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol.

Propylene glycol



Propylene glycol is a transparent liquid of organic origin with a viscous consistency. In spite of the unconvincing name, the substance is absolutely harmless and is actively used in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Why is propylene glycol needed? The substance helps retain moisture in products and mix what is not difficult to mix. Inhaling propylene glycol vapor does not cause any harm to the body. However, you should keep in mind your individual peculiarities - even the safest substance can cause an allergic reaction.

In vaping, cola-flavored vape without propylene glycol will be viscous and will not be able to retain flavor additives. And flavor retention is the main purpose of the substance. For example, if you put some orange peel in propylene glycol, you can get a real citrus flavor.

Vegetable glycerin

VG What is this abbreviation? It is a food glycerin, or Vegetable Glycerin - an organic compound with a viscous consistency, sweet flavor, which is widely used in the food industry for the production of confectionery. Thus, you can find VG in chocolate, pastries and other desserts. This suggests that everyone consumes a certain amount of glycerol on a daily basis, which is firmly entrenched in human life. Inhaling the vapors does the body no harm or good.

In vaping, vegetable glycerin acts as a thickener, gives the liquid a sweetish flavor and makes the vapor thicker. In addition, the substance mixes well with nicotine and flavorings, making the taste brighter and richer. Glycerin is inferior in popularity to propylene glycol, which is explained by a number of reasons:

  • It clogs the coil of the e-cigarette harder.
  • It has a sweet taste that not all vapers like.
  • Due to the high density, it is poorly absorbed.
  • When evaporating it consumes more energy, which means that the device will sit down faster.

PG VG Ratio


The ratio of PG to VG is a key characteristic that affects the viscosity of the liquid and the thickness of the smoke:

  • The glycerin content is higher. The liquid is thicker and the smoke is thicker, denser, softer. At the same time the density of vapors is not felt.
  • Higher concentration of propylene glycol. The liquid is watery and flavorful. The vapor is less thick and dense, but more palpable in the throat.

When making a mixture, you can take substances in any proportions. However, the most popular is PG and VG in a ratio of 30 to 70. PG VG 30 70: what is it? This is a solution taken in the proportion of 30% propylene glycol and 70% vegetable glycerin. The result is quite a viscous substance, which is considered the best option for high-powered vaping.

The 70 30 (VG to PG) is considered to be the best ratio of PG to VG and is the accepted standard. This product is available in bottles of 60 to 120 ml, and the strength of the liquor is not more than 6 mg/ml. This composition is designed for hookahs and getting a lot of vapor.

For sub systems, the PG VG is taken in a 50/50 ratio. This is a more liquid version compared to the previous one, so it is the best solution for filling devices with low power with narrow openings for the delivery of the flavoring substance.

Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are safe substances that are actively used in the food industry in many countries. It is their content that determines the richness of flavor and density of the vapor. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of proportions, it is worth taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations or seek help from the vendors in a vape shop.






A few years ago, when e-cigarettes were just gaining popularity, users were deprived of the ability to choose which type of nicotine to buy. Back then, the vast majority of manufacturers only used the classic form. The appearance of salt liquid for vape revolutionized the world of electronic cigarettes. 

Since then, an opinion has spread among users that the main difference between the salt liquid lies in the minimum amount of nicotine, which does not cause much harm to the human body. In reality, the difference lies not in this parameter, because on sale you can find a large number of PODs on the salt nicotine, not inferior in strength to products with the usual variety. 




What is regular nicotine?

Common nicotine is an alkaloid found in many plant species in the nightshade family, such as tobacco. It is synthesized in the roots but accumulates in the leaves. If dried, the nicotine content is about 5% of the total weight.

In tobacco products the reagent is adsorbed, so its content in one cigarette does not exceed 1 mg. Liquids made on the basis of classic nicotine have a strength of no more than 18 mg/ml. This is a sufficiently tangible amount that allows users to easily switch from traditional tobacco products to safer POD salt liquids without losing the usual feeling of a throat hit. 


Features of common fluid

Unlike its salt "counterpart," regular nicotine is absorbed more slowly. It also evaporates more slowly, making the urge to smoke again somewhat less frequent.

Also regular liquid has a pH level higher than the acidity of the human body. This is what causes the familiar throat hit (TX) to many smokers. Some users like this sensation because it brings the use of electronic devices closer to classic tobacco products. Others note that TX causes unpleasant feelings that prevent them from switching to vaping systems. 

It's worth adding that TX depends directly on the strength of the solution - the higher it is, the more of a throat hit it will be. 



What is salt nicotine?

Salt liquids are a substance obtained artificially. It is synthesized using the classic nicotine and a combination of acids that are added to the compound. Thanks to this, the substance is absorbed faster by the human body. 

Features of salt liquid

The main distinguishing feature of e-cigarette salt liquid is its rapid penetration into the bloodstream through the blood-brain barrier, so you can feel the effect already five seconds after the first puff. 

Also, the acid composition of the salt liquor is close to the natural pH level of a person. This feature explains why these varieties do not cause a noticeable throat hit (TX), which is characteristic of the classic solution. This allows manufacturers to raise the strength of the solution to 20 mg, which is impossible for traditional tobacco products. When the strength is over 20 mg, the traditional nicotine gives off such a TX that it becomes impossible to use the product. At the same time, a saline solution with the same strength is hardly noticeable in a puff. 

So, we can distinguish three key features of the salt liquid for POD:


  • has a quick effect;
  • pH level is close to the natural level of the human body;
  • allows you to increase the strength, while not causing a strong impact on the throat. 



What is the difference between salt nicotine and regular nicotine?

Despite the same purpose, both types of nicotine have a number of characteristic features that make substances not similar to each other. The main differences are:

  • Acidic level (pH). The regular variety has a pH of 10-11.5, which is much higher than what is normal in a living organism. This means that regular use of regular nicotine will eventually lead to an acidic imbalance. Salt nicotine is artificially created, so its pH is almost identical to human nicotine. This ensures you won't feel any discomfort, and you can avoid problems with pH imbalance.
  • Flavor and color. Classic nicotine can have different shades and flavors. The artificial variety undergoes a stage of additional purification, so it has no extraneous flavors. For example, the mango-flavored liquid - when steaming this liquid, you will feel the taste of fresh fruit and nothing else. 
  • Concentration. Traditional nicotine rarely exceeds a strength level of 18mg/ml. Salt liquor can reach a concentration of 50 mg/ml. The ratio of salt nicotine to regular nicotine is 1 to 1. That is, 10 mg of regular nicotine equates to 10 mg of synthetic nicotine. 


What to choose?

The choice of one or another option by going to our online vape shop is the individual right of each user. However, it is worth noting that the harm of the salt liquor today is not scientifically confirmed, despite numerous studies. Therefore, officially artificially created nicotine variety is considered the safest and most economical. 



Everyone's taste preferences are different, each vaper has a favorite mix or several options according to his mood. Modern technical possibilities allow to embody any combination, for which components are created flavors, but some flavors are especially in demand and quickly run out. We have prepared a selection of the most popular e-cigarette liquids.


Berry flavors

Ripe garden raspberries, strawberries picked from the bed on a summer day, or blueberries preserving the freshness of a damp, cool forest... Familiar from childhood, woven with memories, these flavors leave no one indifferent. Berry flavored sub-system liquids became popular as soon as vaping appeared. In addition to favorite tastes, especially expressive ones were created for gourmets: cherry stone, blueberry, sea buckthorn. Almost all known manufacturers are addicted to blue raspberry.

In addition to single-component flavors and forest berry mixes, vape liquids imitate deeper flavors:


  • Jams and jams;
  • Morses and lemonades;
  • Creamy smoothies;
  • Pies and sherbets.


Popular berry mixes include watermelon, grapes, blackberries, and raspberry-flavored liquids. There is increasing demand for herbal teas made of northern berries and pine needles.

Fruit flavors


Fruit flavors are the first and largest group: sour, sweet, and complex. Their variety is astounding. They can be fruit juices and monomixes that convey the entire gradation of taste experiences, for example: the tartness of apple peel, juicy, crispy pulp, fresh aftertaste.

Aromatics are made of both familiar to everyone from childhood and exotic fruits. Liquids with grapefruit, banana, mango, papaya and lychee flavors are not new to vape shop visitors, and those hunting for unconventional sensations can enjoy the flavors of more rare gifts of nature: mangosteen, carambola, tamarind, etc.


Pastries and dessert


Baked goods appeared to diversify the sweet fruit and berry mixes generously flavored with sweeteners and coolers. Now it's hard to imagine vaping without cookies, cheesecakes, cupcakes, and oiled crispy toast.

Cooking and vaping have mingled, the vape shop presents sub-system liquids flavored with lemon pie, tiramisu, ice cream, marmalade, cakes and candy. You can pair sweets from around the world: Japanese meringue or traditional American peanut butter flakes. Dessert liquids will please the sweet tooth and bring warmth and comfort to the house.



Energy drinks and lemonade


The flavors of your favorite drinks are invigorating and inspiring, but in vaping everything is much more diverse: you can try lemonades from all the hot countries of the world, as well as energy drinks, for example from Thailand, Brazil, countries where guana grows.

Popular lemonade-flavored sub-system liquids already accommodate the entire history of lemon drink distribution, making grenadines, duchesse, oranges with chilled ice. Arab peoples have been making lemonade for more than 1,000 years; in England, because of the shortage of fruit, lemon juice is mixed with blackberries, raspberries and other berries. All the variety of traditions and new, fresh mixes are now presented in the windows of vape shops.

Energy drinks, which are consumed at every turn in Asia, are gradually being banned in a number of countries because of the damage done to the nervous system. Sub-system liquids accurately convey your favorite flavors without causing blood sugar spikes.


Tobacco flavors


Virginia leaf pomace is used to create flavors, but this tobacco is more like a pipe tobacco than a cigarette tobacco. Nevertheless, quitters often miss the taste, the characteristic throat hit.

Tobacco-flavored liquids almost don't convey smoldering, burnt paper flavor, but mixologists try to diversify the taste experience with nut and prune notes, add favorite flavorings (coffee, cherry, caramel, vanilla) or, conversely, remove all unnecessary impurities and get a rich, aristocratic classic.



❓How long does a 10 ml vape liquid last?

The average vaper consumes about 2 ml per day: a 10 ml bottle is enough for about five days. If you bought a lot of different flavors, store the stock in a dark cool place. It is better to pour a large bottle into small containers and limit the interaction of liquid with atmospheric air.

❓Do vape liquids have an expiration date?

The expiration date is indicated on each bottle, and it is shortened if the storage conditions are not met. The ingredients contain elements that degrade when exposed to sunlight and air: some of the flavorings oxidize. Always follow the instructions carefully.

❓How do you get a lot of steam?

You can get a lot of vapor by using hookah draft devices. You should choose a vape liquid of 70-80 VG.

❓What happens if you take a low-quality fluid?

The right choice is the key to an enjoyable vapor. A mistake can harm your health, but most often it does not come to this: the steamer immediately feels something wrong. Still, it is better not to experiment. Choose certified products, it will help to save time, money and prolong the life of the vaporizer.


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