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How to quit smoking with an electronic cigarette?

Today, no one rejects the fact that the electronic cigarette is a full-fledged alternative to conventional cigarettes. Indeed, with the right selection of the device and the strength of the liquid, the user is not drawn to smoking ordinary cigarettes.
However, nowhere can you find valuable recommendations on how to completely quit smoking with the help of an electronic cigarette. This article contains our experience and our recommendations, formed over 7 years of work in the field of vape sales.

Over the years in the vaping industry, the vawoo team has amassed valuable insights into how and why people are changing their approach to smoking. The analysis of the collected information helped to divide customers who use e-cigarettes for a long time into four categories:

1. Users who have fully replaced conventional cigarettes with electronic cigarettes and use only it.
This category of clients is also divided into two groups - representatives of the first group are completely satisfied with the refusal of regular cigarettes and realize that they do not want to quit smoking. That is, a person has reduced harm to the body to almost zero, but he likes the process of smoking, he does not even think about giving it up. This is conscious e-cigarette smoking.
The second group hoped to completely quit smoking over time, but never reached their goal. In this regard, a person has some disappointment in electronic cigarettes as a means to quit smoking. And in the light of the constant “stuffing” of the media about the lack of knowledge of electronic cigarettes or about their harm, a person begins to doubt the correctness of the choice, saying that he could not quit smoking with the help of an electronic cigarette.
In such cases, we ask the client the question: "What did you do in order to quit smoking?". And in the process of dialogue it turns out that no action was taken. And it is in such cases that we give recommendations for the complete cessation of smoking, and the person either follows the recommendations, or "passes" into the category of customers who consciously use an electronic cigarette.

2. Users who combine conventional cigarettes with e-cigarettes.
This category of customers generally did not set the goal of switching to an electronic cigarette to completely stop smoking. The electronic cigarette is used by them for the convenience of smoking in common areas. And again, this is their conscious choice.
Some customers combine conventional cigarettes with e-cigarettes, citing the fact that steam generators cannot completely replace conventional cigarettes. Looking ahead, let's say that this is a delusion. If there is no “satisfaction”, then the reason for this is the wrong choice of cigarette model or liquid strength.
3. Users who used an e-cigarette but returned to smoking regular cigarettes for various reasons.
There are quite a lot of such customers and the reason for returning to regular cigarettes can be a huge number of factors: a broken cigarette, a low-quality model or a copy of a branded model, poor availability of consumables, lack of motivation to use electronic cigarettes or a complete cessation of the smoking process, severe stressful situations, and so on. Most customers in this category agree that regular cigarettes are very easy to return to a person's life. As they say - the first couple of cigarettes are disgusting, and then it is no longer felt.
But still it should be noted: every year the process of returning to regular cigarettes with e-cigarettes is decreasing. The main reason, in our opinion, is the improvement of steam generator models.
4. And, finally, the most interesting group for us - users who have completely given up the process of smoking - both conventional and electronic cigarettes.

Immediately make a reservation - this category is about 10-11% of all customers. And this is due to the fact that quitting smoking even with the help of an electronic cigarette is a rather difficult process that requires awareness and self-control. The only plus is that it is much easier to do this with an electronic cigarette.
We will consider the actions of this category of clients. Obviously, if you have reached this point in the article, you are really concerned about the question of how to quit smoking.
So, what did our clients do who were able to completely give up all types of cigarettes?
1. Chose the “right” model
Obviously, the model of an electronic cigarette must be of high quality in order to minimize breakdowns. Remove unnecessary discomfort from “fussing” with consumables and liquid leakage (any discomfort is a “plus” for ordinary, so easy-to-use cigarettes).
When choosing a model, we recommend considering multifunctional options, but always with the ability to customize a classic cigarette puff. And in no case do we recommend to people who want to quit smoking, models with hookah puffs only. The choice in favor of multifunctional devices justifies itself by the fact that each user can customize the device “for themselves” - adjust the tightening force, the amount of steam, the feeling of strength. Most of the newer models have a thermal control function that also adjusts the power to the puff of the user. Such models do not outwardly imitate an ordinary cigarette and, as a rule, have a rectangular appearance, however, it is in such models that there is sufficient functionality, reliability and unpretentiousness. The most popular device in 2016 from this segment was the Joyetech Cuboid Mini.
2. Completely abandoned regular cigarettes
When switching to an electronic cigarette, we recommend giving up regular cigarettes as soon as possible (1-2 days of "combined" smoking). It is difficult psychologically to refuse them. So here are some practical tips:

1.Do not try to overly control the process of smoking, steam whenever you want. Discomfort in the first days is due to the fact that the body has ceased to receive resin.

2.When buying a steam generator, carefully select the strength of the liquid - it should be stronger than your previous cigarettes (!). If you choose a lighter liquid, then get used to the process of smoking even more.
But you should not “overdo it” either: if you pick up an excessively strong liquid, then either the psychological dependence on the smoking process will not be fully satisfied, since you will not be able to take enough puffs to calm down, or you will get an overdose of nicotine.

3.Steam and smoke are two different things. Steam contributes to the formation of a cough, which is mistakenly perceived as an excess fortress. In fact, even when smoking nicotine-free liquid in the early days, coughing may occur periodically. But it goes away in most cases after a couple of days.
4.Start using your e-cigarette with classic cigarette flavors.

We recommend that people who want to quit smoking with an e-cigarette do not experiment with "non-cigarette" flavors at all. The fact is that berry, fruit, etc. liquids have a pleasant taste and form excessive cravings for an electronic cigarette. At the same time, according to our statistics, about 90% of beginners still neglect this recommendation, they are drawn to try more “tasty” liquids.

5.Always have an "emergency supply" of consumables. Better yet, get a spare of the cheapest e-cigarette model just in case.

3. We noticed a weakening of the physiological dependence on smoking.
But there is one significant plus for electronic cigarettes. They gradually weaken the physiological dependence.
Therefore, we recommend starting any actions related to an attempt to quit smoking when you begin to notice a decrease in the physiological dependence on smoking. This can be expressed as follows:
You are so busy that you forget about the “smoke break”, and the desire to smoke arises only at the sight of a cigarette or when people around you start smoking.
You forgot to bring an e-cigarette with you and surprisingly you were able to endure quite a long time compared to smoking regular cigarettes.
In the event of an unforeseen situation (the liquid ran out, the evaporator failed, the cigarette was discharged or broken), you did not light a regular cigarette, although others were actively smoking nearby.
All these factors indicate a decrease in the physiological dependence on smoking! You no longer care about nicotine and tar as much as before! Now is the time to start taking action. By the way, for every person this moment comes in different times - for some people it is several months, for some it is a year, and some clients say that such a moment has not come. Everything is very individual.

4. Began to control the process of smoking.
The owner of an electronic cigarette has the opportunity to vape in places where a person would not smoke before - at home, lying in bed, in the bathroom, at work, in public places and so on. This is what creates even more pleasure from the process of smoking.
But after passing the period of "indulgence" and reducing the physiological dependence, you need to begin to tightly control your smoking process. First of all, we recommend returning the same rules that were present when smoking regular cigarettes. That is, if you smoked on the balcony, and now you allow yourself to smoke in the room, then return the rule to go out onto the balcony, etc.
5. Do not get carried away by the rapid decrease in the amount of nicotine in the liquid
The mistake is a sharp decrease in the level of nicotine in the liquid. Control over the process of smoking should be done either by the number of milliliters of liquid smoked or by the number of puffs! (There are devices with a puff counter that can be reset daily).
Having seen the constancy in the figures, we begin to reduce the amount of smoking by 20-30% and "fix" on this result for a long time - a couple of weeks or a month will be enough. You will feel that everything is easy to do - now you can reduce the strength of the liquid by 1 gradation. That is, first we reduce the volume of smoked, and then the fortress.
6. Play hide and seek with a cigarette
The main thing in this "game" is the lack of an electronic cigarette at hand.

It is best to determine the “storage location” of the steam generator in the house in such a way that it does not catch the eye once again. For example, in the hallway. But definitely not where there is a sofa and a TV.
The next step is to try leaving the e-cigarette in the car (only during the warm season) if you park under or near the entrance. An important nuance in this case is the absence of any kind of cigarettes at home - no spare e-cigarette, no regular household cigarettes, no cigars stored for special occasions. In this case, if there is a desire to smoke, then the person at first gets dressed and goes outside for an electronic cigarette, smokes there and comes back. But over time, such a trait of a person as laziness can help a lot.
7. Switch to nicotine-free e-liquid
The most difficult thing will be the transition to a nicotine-free liquid, because when using it, the sensations are completely different - it doesn’t “grab” the throat, there is no feeling of a completed “smoke break”. But systematically reducing the strength and switching to a nicotine-free liquid is definitely worth it.
Many quit smokers agree that nicotine-free e-liquid gradually loses interest in smoking.

All these recommendations are the experience of those 10-11% of clients who were able to truly quit smoking. What does "for real" mean? This is to hold out without conventional and electronic cigarettes for not a month or two, but at least a year. Many people break down in the first six months. The reasons are different: corporate, resort vacation or (most often) severe stress.
There is no longer an electronic cigarette - it was thrown away, donated, and so on. And now ordinary cigarettes become “a medicine, and after a few puffs, the process of smoking is rapidly returning to a person’s life. Yes, no one is immune from difficult life situations, but the stress will go away, and the addiction will remain ...
Therefore, here is another psychological “trick”: in the first year after quitting smoking, keep the electronic cigarette in full “combat readiness” - charged (self-discharge will not completely discharge it even for a year), with a spare new evaporator, with several bottles of liquid - one without nicotine, one with an average nicotine content. But store in places that will reliably hide the electronic cigarette from your eyes.

An interesting nuance: many people who quit smoking said that they found an electronic cigarette, made sure that it was in working order, but never took a single puff. And this is logical from the point of view of psychology - after all, a strong desire to smoke can be overcome with the mere realization that the cigarette is in front of you and nothing prevents you from starting smoking. That is, with a simple awareness of “I can smoke freely,” the craving and interest in smoking faded away.
In conclusion, we would like to say: quit smoking, and we will be sincerely happy for you! From a business standpoint, this advice seems counterintuitive. But if a person can quit smoking with the help of an electronic cigarette, he will definitely advise others to quit smoking just like him!

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